When some individuals think of getting an aquarium, it’s usually for aesthetic reasons. Or they’ve decided to take on a new hobby. But what about an aquarium for your little one? Sure, you might be thinking you’ll get stuck with the chore of maintaining it if they’re not at a capable age. But, do the benefits outweigh the few minutes…
Proper acclimation of your new fish should be your goal. Why? Because the life of you finned friends depends on it. Depending on the source of your fish, the salinity could range anywhere from 1.016 to 1.026, in addition the pH in the bag is going to be significantly lower, more so if the fish has been in transport for…
If you happen to have the opportunity to compare two aquariums side-by-side with relatively similar biotopes, did you know that the aquascaping could be the deciding factor of which one you like better? While it mostly boils down to personal taste, there are some key elements to pay attention to the next time you set eyes on an aquarium. Height…